Self Cleaning Electromagnet

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Unit Overview:

MPI’s Quick-Clean Suspended Electromagnets are designed to remove both large and small types of tramp metal from product streams conveyed by vibratory bed or belts with speeds up to 250 feet per minute.The powerful oil-cooled electromagnets are designed to remove large and medium tramp metal from conveyed product with large burden depths.

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Key Features

  • Extremely powerful magnetic design: Manufactured with a high gradient balanced magnetic circuit
  • Coils manufactured with Class “H” (or better) anodized aluminum strap for the “best in class” coil insulation performance
  • Breather valve to allow expansion and contraction without using an external expansion tank
  • Durable Nomex and Glastic materials to extend coil life
  • Heavy-duty impact plate
  • 4 point suspension
  • Insulated copper coils

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Key Features

  • Extremely powerful magnetic design: Manufactured with a high gradient balanced magnetic circuit
  • Coils manufactured with Class “H” (or better) anodized aluminum strap for the “best in class” coil insulation performance
  • Breather valve to allow expansion and contraction without using an external expansion tank
  • Durable Nomex and Glastic materials to extend coil life
  • Heavy-duty impact plate
  • 4 point suspension
  • Insulated copper coils

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