Magnetic Head Pulley

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Unit Overview:

MPI’s Magnetic Head Pulley Separation Roll Magnets are designed to remove both large and small ferrous tramp iron contaminants from product streams in belt conveyor systems. SR-series separators provide a continuous, 24/7 automatic removal of tramp iron from the material’s flow.

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Key Features

SR separators are typically used as head pulleys in belt conveyors. As tramp metal nears the separator’s magnetic field, it is attracted and held to the conveyor’s belt until it reaches the underside of the conveyor, where it passes out of the magnetic field and discharges into a chute or bin. The cleaned, contaminant-free material discharges from the top of the conveyor, away from the tramp metal.

  • Powerful Ceramic 8 permanent magnet material
  • Stainless steel face
  • Rugged, all-welded construction
  • 3 different magnetic circuits available
  • Face widths from 8” – 62”
  • Roll diameters from 4” – 36”

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Key Features

SR separators are typically used as head pulleys in belt conveyors. As tramp metal nears the separator’s magnetic field, it is attracted and held to the conveyor’s belt until it reaches the underside of the conveyor, where it passes out of the magnetic field and discharges into a chute or bin. The cleaned, contaminant-free material discharges from the top of the conveyor, away from the tramp metal.

  • Powerful Ceramic 8 permanent magnet material
  • Stainless steel face
  • Rugged, all-welded construction
  • 3 different magnetic circuits available
  • Face widths from 8” – 62”
  • Roll diameters from 4” – 36”

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