A large chemical processor who unloads rail cars of Adipic Acid. Adipic Acid is a very hygroscopic powder that has a high angle of repose. Likes to stick hopper walls and railcars.
It took two operators 2-3 days to unload a railcar with multiple vibrators hung on the railcar cleats and two people swinging dead blow hammers trying to keep the powder flowing.
We suggested demoing the Navco Railcar Shaker at the customer’s facility. That way real-world conditions with the Adipic Acid the customer receives from their vendor on their unload system. The testing revealed we could reduce empty time by 80%.
“Work smarter, not harder,” it’s not new, just hard to recognize. We are fond of saying put the hammer down and step away from the victim. Hammers are for driving nails and fixing roofs. Your railcar/silo are not nailing. Denting transitions, hoppers, and railcars from repeated beatings from dead blow hammers are costly to your equipment and long term even more costly to employees’ shoulders, rotator cuffs, elbows, and backs. Use the right tool for the job.